So this post is actually happening from my phone. Cool, right? Well it won't happen very often because of all the terrible spelling mistakes I make with a touch-screen keyboard.
Any-hoo, I'll just let you in on some highlights of my life right now.
First of all, I'm in international club but for some super-unknown reason they decide to have every meeting at 7:30 in the morning. Like, I can barely make it to school on time and that starts at eight, how the heck am I supposed to make it there a half hour early? Well I'm going to have to for marching band but let's face it, that's way more important than a club.
Anyways. International club. They're all going to this movie thing on Monday after school, and even though I've been to a grand total of three meetings, I can still go. But, I can't.
See, being the cunning little genius I am, I traded my own work and labor for a book. Don't worry, it wasn't to some weirdo on the street. I sold my working soul to my parents! Great idea right? Kind of. It did get me the book, but now I have to clean their office after school--I guess it could be worse.
The things we do for love.
My love being for books.
Wow, okay my auto-correct changed that to boobs at first. Thank God I caught that one.
I think that's it. Toodaloo!
Wait, I just had an idea. I'll swipe my finger around my little keyboard and let's all have a look at what auto-correct comes up with.
Sundog, diametrically, perturb, Orion, misery, Wisc, handlebars, windsocks.
I don't even know what a sundog is! This is fun, though.
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