When Ruby woke up on her tenth birthday, something about her had changed. Something alarming enough to make her parents lock her in the garage and call the police. Something that gets her sent to Thurmond, a brutal government “rehabilitation camp.” She might have survived the mysterious disease that’s killed most of America’s children, but she and the others have emerged with something far worse: frightening abilities they cannot control.
Now sixteen, Ruby is one of the dangerous ones. (Full description here.)
I don't have enough words! It's too soon! I could literally start crying any second while writing this review. Honestly. I just-I can't. I can't. I cannot. There's no way.
Oh my God. If you've ever read a review for this book, you'd think, "Oh that'll be a good book," but no one wOuLD EVER SUSPECT TO GET THEIR HEART RIPPED OUT BY WORDS AND PAPER.
I could write this whole review with caps lock on and it still wouldn't get my feelings across. Seriously, you have no idea. I couldn't even begin to tell you how fast I started crying at the end.
I should never, ever, ever read too highly-emotional books in a row. Never again.
Now I'll try to move through this review fast and afterwords I'll just make an entire post dedicated to how I feel about this book. That'll work.
Let's get this done.
The setting; America; sometime in the near future. It's really one of those 'could happen any day' kind of things. Basically there's a widespread eruption of this disease called IAAN, don't remember what it stands for, but it kills kids instantly. It only shows up in ages 10-14 (hey my birthday!), so everyone above that age is pretty much safe; everyone below it, not. But the kids that don't die from this disease, they're the ones that everyone is afraid of. They have special powers. Those kids are sent to rehab camps (obviously they aren't really rehabilitated). That's where our very special main characters come in!
Main character uno: Ruby Daly. She's in the first round of kids that get sent to the rehab camps, and she's at the worst one: Thurmond. Her powers are pretty awful, if you ask me. I won't tell you everything, because you find out some really sad things that happen with her powers, but they really suck. Okay, I love Ruby though. She's so secretly sassy. Usually I don't do quotes from books but I actually laughed right out loud when I read this one;
[Random kid]: Maybe if you're lucky, I'll leave some water for you.
[Ruby [in her head]]: Maybe if I'm lucky, you'll drown yourself in it.
Second character! This character and the next two share the second main character's spot, since they're really just grouped together. Liam Stewart. I love him. He's just so chill. No like, cool-chill, just chill. He's also got a deep reservoir of cool-kid lingo and nicknames. I don't know if he's my favorite character, just because the other ones are so awesome too. Liam was in a camp too, but he escaped, along with the next two characters.
I think I might cry.
Second-second main character, Chubs. Charles. Charlie. Chuck. Chip. Whatever you want to call him, despite what I just said in Liam's paragraph, he's probably my favorite. He's sarcastic and a little mean I think, but hey, he's my spirit animal. It's decided.
Okay I'm going to cry.
I can't say anymore about Chubs, so we'll move onto the third-second main character. She's eleven. Suzume, or Zu for short, is probably the cutest thing out there. She's girly, so there's that awesome plus, but she also has wicked powers. Like, she can turn on and off electrical stuff with just snapping her fingers. You know how helpful that would be? Seriously? That'd be great. It's like, everything would be clap-on, clap-off.
I'm not going to lie, I think a couple tears squeezed out there. I'm so gosh-darn lucky my eyes didn't turn on like faucets. Whenever I read an already-incredibly emotional book, I never know about the sequels, so that makes it worse!
Anyways, these characters are awesome and this will probably be my favorite book for awhile. Just because I feel like I can sort-of connect with all of them.
Ruby - Secretly sassy, but wouldn't ever say that stuff out loud. Same here, girlfriend.
Liam - He totally does not give a damn. About anything.
Chubs - Sarcastic and likes to read! What!
Zu - More girly than you would originally guess. Plus her favorite color is pink. So. I think we all see that connection.
There were a lot of moments where I just sat there, not reading, but thinking: Wow, this book is so good. It's totally my favorite. I love it. I won't say why or how, but my absolute favorite part is when Chubs finally snaps. God dang, that was funny.
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