So... I'm still waiting for my books from Amazon. I looked at Amazon and it said it usually takes 2-9 business days with 'Super Saver' shipping. It's free, why not.
But I want my books. Now. Right now.
I'm missing the characters from Divergent. I'm literally missing them. Like, "Come back, you've been gone for so long!" missing them. I even randomly think about things that have happened in the book.
This is what separation anxiety feels like.
Which, by the way, sucks. I would pay an extra five dollars just to have them come to my door right now. I'm not the only one depending on these books, my sister is too!
It's amazing, isn't it? My sister is actually reading. You know, she bought a book shelf the other day, but she only has the one book; Hunger Games by Suzie Colins. Which I guess if you're going to have any book, that is a good one.
Her bookshelf is mostly filled with hair supplies and jewelry stands. Mine, books and (I admit) DS games. I still love and play my DS! Also there are movies on my book shelf. Like, my personal favorite, Tangled. And Pirates of the Caribbean and Sinbad, El Dorado, and Bridesmaids. Quite the collection if I do say so myself. I do.
Well I've been thinking lately about my birthday and Christmas. I can't decide if I want money or presents. But I'll probably ask for presents. Don't call me selfish!
Also! My parents still haven't decided between Sprint or T-mobile (you can see where I get my decisiveness). I want to buy myself a new phone in time for the Sheeran concert in September, but it just keeps getting closer and I'm running out of time. I also want one by my birthday, but that's a day away from being about two months away. October 14th. Boo-yah.
So I'm on a classical-and-Coldplay kick. My whole playlist currently consists of Coldplay, Brian Crain, and Ludovico Einaudi. Right now I think it's Nuvole Bianche; I think my dad sent it in an email to me once. Or he sent me a video and that was the background music. It's pretty, you should listen to it.
Okay, this is the fourth subject change, or fifth, but okay. I'm pretty open about the fact that I don't really fit into any one 'clique' or category. I'm artsy-fartsy, but I'm not artsy-craftsy artsy-fartsy. I'm just a doodler with pencils and colors. I can't dress like an artsy-fartsy either (that's pretty much impossible to type quickly. I'll just call artsy-fartsy people, flowers). On with the story...
I can't dress like a flower, I dress like a girly-girl. Or a prep. Or just straight up classy with jeans on. I die for lace! And I can't do crafts like flowers do either. I have a couple flower friends and they're just so good with photography and crafts. You see, I can't do that! I've tried arts and crafts before but it just did not work out.
I also can't always stand their music. Like, a certain someone tried to show me a certain new artist that rhymes with Poodie Allen. I don't like that music! It's not my music!
Also I don't like the hipster-esque thing that goes on around flowers. That's not me either.
So, I'm just a unique snowflake! You know, my parents always call me that.
Actually, that's a joke. They say the opposite, as a joke obviously. They like to say, "You know, we love you, but you're not that unique. There's probably a million people just like you. If we're just talking about blood and bones, there's probably more." Which is true I guess. There's six billion (I think) people in the world, why are some people so pampered by their parents to believe that they're the most precious little thing in the entire universe? It just makes it harder to deal with them.
So. The end! I hope I don't have to update again tomorrow because if I don't, that means my books are here!
P.S You're not special.
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