School, go away.
In loving memory of summer, I'll go over some highlights of the three short months it lived.
In no particular order,
- My grandparents cabin! It's up North, quite specific, so I won't mention any names. I went up with a good friend and we spent the whole time either swimming or tubing. That was over the Fourth of July, so we got to see fireworks, and we made s'mores of course. We also went to a Goodwill-sort-of-place and found some cool goodies and we had fun around town. There was also TOMS guy, but only she'll get that.
- The same friend and I went up to someone-that-she-knows's cabin. We couldn't go swimming at the nearest lake, because of flooding and sewer things and dead fish, long story, but we did go swimming somewhere else. We also ventured to the top of a fire tower (if you're looking at this, put those pictures up on Facebook already! Jesus!) and it was super high. Like, beyond just a little high. I swear it was snowing at the top, like a mountain. But seriously, my legs were wobbly.
- Some new books came out this summer, and I was, of course, happy about those.
- All the trips to the park, the beach, the malls with my friends! We have so many pictures now, I think it's time to focus on school instead of cameras (you know who you are!)--I mean that in the best way possible! Put down the camera and finish your Pre-AP homework! Ha ha. I'm just joking, of course.
- Getting Ed Sheeran tickets. I absolutely cannot wait. My friends that are going and I still need to make t-shirts, but if it comes down to it, I'll just buy a wristband at the concert. I don't want it to come to that, but still. I will if I have to! Also, I'm feeling lucky about this concert, so I think we'll actually get to meet him. I'll buy a CD for him to sign, anyways.
- All the candy. Seriously. I've probably gained like a bazillion (trademark, me) pounds already.
- Spending a weekend with my cousin. It wouldn't sound like much fun, but she stayed here for four days-ish. We went to the fair, she met my best friend and they both got along perfectly! Fantastic, right? I think she felt so comfortable around my friends because they are taller than average. She's taller than average, so around her average or shorter-than-average friends, she feels out of place. But at the fair, with my friends, she was totally cool! And, despite popular belief, having a younger kid tag along is not so bad when they're awesome. I don't know why my sister complains so much.
If you have trouble reading that, just zoom in on your computer. I'm pretty sure you can press CTRL and the plus sign on your keyboard, and it zooms in. Or on an Apple laptop, you can play DJ on your mouse pad. Or just hold CTRL and scroll with your mouse. So.
You learn something new everyday!
Speaking of learning and everyday, I don't want to start school. I don't even know what I'm going to wear. And it's on Tuesday, it's Saturday. And, I usually share clothes with my older sister because she's two years older, but the same size. So we share shirts. Before now, I haven't really been in the same school as her (me, junior high, her, high school). So I would wear one shirt and then have it washed, then she would wear it like three days later or something. We can't do that if we're in the same school! Ah! I'm nervous about that. And band, but I've been over that before.
I'm also nervous for art. No one ever listens when I say I am legitimately nervous for art. I'm OK at lettering and figuring those things out (I want to go into graphic design/commercial art, maybe). But what I'm not OK at is realistic faces. I can't ever get the proportions right. I can draw maybe a section of their face (eyes, mouth, nose, etc.), but I can't put them all together. The only time I've done that, it took four hours and it looked more like a caricature than anything else. I can't do that! I've heard we have to do a self portrait for art this year, but I don't think I'll be very good unless we can make it cartoon-y. I'm pretty good at cartoons, but no one ever appreciates the little buggers! They're not as easy as they seem, sir. I also don't like painting, but that's not in the art class I'm taking. That's in Drawing & Painting. I like drawing, I hate painting. Do you see the problem? I do. There's also Ceramics and Digital Photography, and Applied Art.
Digital Photography sounds fun, but only because it involves Photoshop. I don't know why they don't use GIMP, it's a lot free-er. Meaning, it's free. Photoshop is not.
Although, there are art clubs. I hate clubs, but I guess I could try one. I probably can't get into the National Art Honor Society just yet (seeing as I'm only a freshman). There is something called Studio, it's a class, I think. I don't know how to get to it, but I want it.
Now, onto clubs. Not like caveman-hitting-other-cavemen clubs, but school clubs. I've only ever joined one in my entire life, and that was on the 29th of this month! Open House! I joined the International Club. Apparently that club goes around to different places that have foreign food or foreign things and you do a bunch of fun stuff like Feed My Starving Children. It's more fun than it sounds. All of my friends signed up, too!
So. Basically what this is all saying is that I don't want to go to high school. It sounds confusing in every way you describe it, and even with a school map, I'll probably get lost. It'll take at least a month to get used to where everything is. By then it'll probably be second trimester and I'll have to find my way to different classes. Oi, this'll be fun.
Ha. Right.
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