Thursday, October 18, 2012

Outpost, Ann Aguirre

Sequel to Enclave; amazing book, amazing sequel!
Deuce’s whole world has changed.

Down below, she was considered an adult. Now, topside in a town called Salvation, she’s a brat in need of training in the eyes of the townsfolk. She doesn't fit in with the other girls: Deuce only knows how to fight.

To make matters worse, her Hunter partner, Fade, keeps Deuce at a distance. Her feelings for Fade haven’t changed, but he seems not to want her around anymore. Confused and lonely, she starts looking for a way out. (Full description here.)

This books starts where the last one left off. If you haven't read the review for Enclave by Ann Aguirre, go read it first! I'm not giving away spoilers from this book but the only way to go on with the review for this book is to give away the ending of the first book. So. Go read it, now!

Go on.

Okay, so this book leaves off at the point where Deuce, Fade, Stalker and Tegan are saved from the winter winds. They are taken to a city that's called Salvation. The town is compiled of nice houses and lots of people and a school house and everything with a giant fence around it, protecting it from Freaks/Eaters/Muties.

If you're wondering about the main characters, I'll just quote from the first review of Enclave.

She strong willed and strong in every other way. She fights her own battles and doesn't let anyone (or any Freak) get the best of her. That's why she's the best Huntress. [...] Deuce is quiet and reserved when she doesn't want or need anything, but once she wants something she won't give up on it.

[...] Fade is beyond mysterious but he's not really rude or anything. No one tries to talk to him. So that's Fade. Tall, dark, mysterious Fade. 
The two new main characters are Tegan and Stalker.

Tegan is pretty fragile. Normally this would bother me, but from what she's been through I can't think of another way she'd be. She grew up in the ruins of NY with her parents and more families. Through the years they all died. Soon her dad died. And then her mom. So Tegan was left alone and blah-blah-blah. You learn all that in the first book, which you have to read to read the sequel anyways. She becomes good friends with Deuce.

Stalker is a shifty guy. He's the head of one of the gangs that still occupy NY. The Wolves. Of course now that he's with Fade and Deuce, he's not the head of the gang anymore. Everyone is just assumed dead. He's pretty confident with his skills and he even shows Deuce how to fight like he does. Honestly they spend too much time together and it's obviously not a good thing. Deuce needs to end up with Fade, not Stalker.

The rest of Salvation is filled with more minor characters; Momma Oaks, Longshot, Edmund, etc. Tegan is more of a minor character in this book compared to how major she was in the last half of Enclave.

So, throughout this book there are little mentions of the College enclave but Deuce just assumes they're all gone; eaten by Freaks like the nearest enclave, Nassau. In my own opinion, I have my doubts. I think in the third book they might go back to find any survivors. An entire enclave shouldn't just die! That would be sad. I hope Fade and Deuce, Tegan and Stalker can save Salvation!

Go forth, dear reader and read this not-yet-complete trilogy!

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